Women's Fashion Store
Women's Fashion Store, Via V. Monti 36, Milan, Italy
Restaurant & Bistrot
Project for a Restaurant & Bistrot, Via S. Marco 26, Milan, Italy
Hotel Miramare, Otranto (Le)
Project for renovation of "Miramare Hotel", Otranto (Le), Italy
Restaurant "La Brisa"
Renovation of Restaurant "La Brisa", via Brisa 15, Milan, Italy
Project for a B&B, Ripalta Cremasca (Cr), Italy
Japanese Restaurant "Shion"
Japanese Restaurant "Shion", via Camperio 15, Milan, Italy
Sushi Bar "Shion" Corso Magenta
Realisation of the Sushi Bar "Shion", Corso Magenta 65, Milan, Italy
Showroom Svevo Parma
Showroom “Svevo Parma”, via Sant’Andrea 19, Milan, Italy
Atellani’s Bookshop and Cafeteria
Atellani’s Bookshop and Cafeteria, via Moscova 28, Milan, Italy